Results Disclaimer

Thank you for visiting my site.

I don't make any claims that watching my videos, taking one of my quizzes, or watching one of my training programs will change your love life, nor imply that you'll create similar results to the ones from my client's case studies.  

After all, how could I? We've never met, and I don't know what your personal strengths and limitations are or how willing and able you are to implement my relationship strategies.  

No matter what anyone might claim, there's no 'magic trick' to create long-term love.  

A fulfilling relationship requires intelligent work, presence, focus, vulnerability, openness, courage, discipline, persistence, and no matter how gifted you are, time's usually a critical factor too.  

My clients work incredibly hard to apply what I teach and take massive action consistently to transform their love lives in healthy and inspiring ways.


My Advice is not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions.

There's Nothing For Sale in This Free Quiz

 Why is This Quiz Free? For Two Reasons:  

First, One of my highest purposes in life is to help women reclaim the self-worth that is their birthright and, through setting personal boundaries and expressing their needs powerfully, be able to enter a mutually fulfilling relationship with a partner.  

This personal mission has inspired me to create over 600 free relationship videos for women on my Youtube Channel that have generated over 24 Million views and have been shared in over 80 countries.  

Second, I have a good feeling you'll find great value in it, and if you do and want more help achieving your relationship goals, you can apply for a one-on-one call with me where we can explore if working together is a mutual fit. 

© 2023 Bernardo Mendez Strategic Influence | Support (at)